Loving on Nepal - A Love in Action Response

Bob Crockford and Brian Downs have recently answered the call to travel to Nepal on a mission to assist and most of all to love on the people who have become earthquake victims and to support and minister to several pastors, leaders of the newly formed Generation fire team and Agape ministries who supported and provided us with food and accommodation while staying in Kathmandu.

Thanks to Bobs input great apostolic teaching and biblical encouragement to the pastors and leaders was well received.

Visits were also made to the slum areas of Kathmandu to assist in children's church and pray for the destitute people inhabiting makeshift shelters and to encourage the Christians with their faith.  

Much time and effort was also spent on encouraging and loving on the earthquake orphans of Kathmandu who have all but lost hope and are living under a tarp in fear of the ground trembling under their feet again and the deaths that follow which unfortunately is all too real for them. The team played, encouraged and brought smiles to their faces then a few days later they treated them to a meal at a hotel which was a great success with everybody enjoying themselves.

In the short time that Bob and Brian were in Nepal they found time to make 2 field trips to the mountainous regions of Nepal to reach villages that have been all but forgotten by aid agencies. They selflessly loved on the Nepalese people who have now been bandaged up, prayed for and received many healings and blessed with food parcels, bags of rice and essential items.

Please pray for Agape ministries who are also doing field trips to the remote mountainous villages to provide much needed food parcels however their funds are limited and much more financial assistance is urgently required and any donations you feel led to give will be greatly received.


Below are some photos from the Time in Nepal, Photos Speak a thousand words.
If you would love to partner with Generation Fire and the work in Nepal. Visit our donation page and make your donation with Nepal as a reference.

Thank you to all those who have given financially - we were able to send $2000 which enable the teams to purchase much rice , and veges and packets of love which have gone into the villages and the mountains of nepal.


Donny McGregor