National Day of Prayer & Fasting Report


On the 10th February , thousands of people across Australia set aside time to pray for end to abortion and to pray for life. Generation Fire had both Brisbane, Sydney and Canberra teams involved in 2 different events and some team members travelled to Mt Victoria to participate in the day.  The Main Prayer event was held in the great hall of parliament house with over 800 people in attendance , there was tremendous unity and the presence of God was evident it was a great opportunity to join with other ministries and churches from across the nation.  Many believe this could be the beginning of breakthrough in this nation.


We had the opportunity of providing a worship team to lead the 11am-12pm Worship set with the theme on repentance and made many new friends and meet an Aboriginal Pastor from Elcho Island.

Our team thanks all the hard work put in by the organisers of the National Day of Prayer and Fasting.

Many groups around Australia are continuing with 40 days of Fasting for Life - Praying for the Culture of Death to be broken over this nation.

Our prayer is the passion that came through the praying people will catch on to others and we would witness a prayer awakening across our nation.

Donny McGregor